こんにちは、M2の風間です。私たちの研究室では週に一回全体でのゼミを行っています。ゼミは、指名された学生による研究報告とBonding sessionの2つのパートで構成されています。Bonding Sessionでは指名された学生によってテーマが設定され、それについて議論が行われます。
Hello, this is Kazama writing, In our laboratory, we have a weekly seminar for the whole group. The seminar consists of two parts: a research report by a nominated student and a bonding session, in which the nominated student sets a theme and discusses it. (English is following Japanese)
今日の研究報告は、M2のPereさんでした。彼女の研究テーマは、「Reducing individual meat consumption: Social and psychological factors 」。日本における食用肉の消費について、社会心理学的な側面からアプローチしようという試みです。
Bonding sessionについて:今、何が気になってる?
今回のBonding sessionのテーマは、「”What’s the recent news you are interested in?”
, 最近の気になったニュースはなんですか?」です。ニュースといっても、新聞記事から身近な発見など、幅広い中から選んで一人一人に紹介してもらいました。
Research reporting: Do you pay attention to the impact of your daily diet on the environment?
Today’s research report was given by Pere, M2. Her research topic is “Reducing individual meat consumption: Social and psychological factors”, which is a research attempt to investigate the consumption of edible meat in Japan from a social psychological perspective.
It is clear from data that meat consumption has a large environmental impact. In recent years, the importance of this issue has been attracting attention, and many people around the world have begun to change their dietary habits to reduce their environmental impact. As a result, diets such as vegan and vegetarian have been attracting attention, and the distribution of plant-based foods is increasing in Japan as well.
On the other hand, it has been pointed out that the formation of one’s diet (whether one wants to follow a plant-based diet or not, whether it is difficult to do so or not, etc.) is greatly influenced by one’s social status and the environment in which one lives. It is very important to understand these factors when considering the future of our dietary habits and the balance with the environment. However, the vegetarian and vegan diets in Japan are still in their infancy, and not much research has been done on them, so Pere is focusing on this and trying to clarify the status of these diets and social barriers in Japan. It will be interesting to see where Japan stands in comparison to other countries.
About the Bonding Session: What’s on your mind right now?
The theme of this year’s Bonding session was “What’s the recent news you are interested in?
I asked the members to choose from a wide range of news, from newspaper articles to personal discoveries, and introduce them one by one.
The most common topic was the news related to COVID-19, but our laboratory has students from various countries with various interests, so there were many different perspectives. In France, restaurants were open and crowded with people; in Bangkok, people between the ages of 8 and 59 could apply for the vaccine at convenience stores; in Japan, there was a debate over whether the Olympics should be cancelled. It was very interesting to see how differently each country views the situation.
Some people focused on the fact that COVID-19 is starting new experiments in various places, such as the new possibilities that will be created by the spread of 5G, which will reduce the time lag in remote control, or the service that allows you to experience foreign food and culture in an actual airplane parked at the airport, which is a virtual trip abroad. A wide range of opinions were gathered.
By listening to what people are currently paying attention to, we can get a sense of what they are usually thinking about. While it is difficult for lab members to get to know each other under Corona, I think this was a good opportunity to get a sense of each other’s personality.
(Written by Tomohiro Kazama)