Bachelor’s Thesis
Chan Yu Nin
The perspectives of people with and without disabilities on disaster preparedness: Case study of flood in Penang, Malaysia
Master’s Thesis
Radhitiya Al Furqan
Relationship between Urban Issues and Municipal Solid Waste Management System: Citizens of Java Island’s Perspective in the case of Jakarta, Indonesia
Masaya Mizukami
地域福祉サービスの提供に関わる職員のICT 活用に対する認識
Taro Miyauchi
Megumi Niki
Pinitjitsamut Pat
Evaluation of the efficiencies for the use of various forms of energy and their regional differences among the provinces in Thailand
Mami Tamura
Riho Tokumaru
– 台風災害・防災に着目して –
Bachelor’s Thesis
Identifying the demographic backgrounds and perceptions related to creativity of current Thai university students
Master’s Thesis
Augustin Vaillant
Analysis of past energy transitions of OECD and BRICS countries in the scope of electricity interconnection
Batbayar Peljee
Determinants of consumers’ attitudes and behavior on meat substitute products
Purevsuren Norovsambuu
Perception and influence of water meter on household water usage and
conservation behavior in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tomohiro Kazama
Bachelor’s Thesis
Jittaveeroj Itthikorn
Identifying the factors which influence the behavior of working from home under covid-19: a case study for Bangkok city
Master’s Thesis
IKHSAN Natasha Agustin
Evaluation of Resource-use Efficiency of Indonesian Provinces
Li Zejun
Does Photovoltaic Poverty Alleviation Project contribute on poverty reduction? A Case study
in Hebei Province, China
Bachelor’s Thesis
Seiya Mizukami
Taro Miyauchi
PhD. Dissertation
Akihisa Kuriyama
Master’s Thesis
Gu Renyuan
Hiroki Kanda
Koichiro Kokubu
Hiromichi Mitani
Pranindita Nadiya
Does Tourism Growth contribute to the Inclusiveness of Urban Economy? A Case Study of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Bachelor’s Thesis
Hidehiko Matsuda
Master’s Thesis
ANNISA Siti Aminah Fairuz
Psychological Determinants and Experience-based Evaluation of Household Averting Behaviors in Coping With Unreliable Drinking Water
Handayani Nabilah
Clothing Categories, Usage Behavior and Perception Toward Access-Based Consumption for Sustainable Consumption and Production: A Case Study of Kanto Region, Japan
Grace Kagho
Assessing Public Transit for the Elderly towards an Inclusive Community
Bachelor’s Thesis
Nami Endo
(Two-point Comparison of the Chatracteristics of Agriculture in Urban Suburbs -Using Chiba Prefecture as an Example-)
Master’s Thesis
Shintaro Kaiho
Water access status in small islands with relation to groundwater scarcity-Three islands of Northern region, the Philippines-
実態 - フィリピン・ボホール州の三島を対象として -)
Yushi Yamada
Identification of the importance of household water security aspects based on the pair-wise comparison between water sources and treatment methods
Kenji Yamamoto
Bachelor’s Thesis
Zhou Wenwen
PhD. Dissertation
Junichirou Ishio
ウェアラブル端末によるEmotional Well-beingの測定手法の提案
Master’s Thesis
Keshav Raj Pokhrel
Operational sustainability of rural electrification program through an effective fee collection strategy: Case study of the Philippines
Yusuf Fadian Arsyad Temenggung
Study on Alternative Water Source Utilization for Sustainable Urban Water System (Case Study : Jakarta)
Shinnosuke Sawamura
International Environment City-to City Cooperation by the Japanese Local Government and Strategies to Support Environmental Businesses
Bachelor’s Thesis
Gu Renyuan
(Financial Internal Rate of Return of PV system installation at a large-scale shopping mall: a case study in Shanghai, China)
Hiroki Kanda
Environmental and Social impacts on communities associated with urban honeybee project
Koichiro Kokubu
Efficiency Evaluation of Water Utilities: Cross-National Comparison among Island Countries in Oceania
Hiromichi Mitani
(Characteristics of the Users of Residential Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Systems in Japan)
Master’s Thesis
Toshiro Abe
A condition-based maintenance policy for Electric Vehicles (EVs)
Junya Ishida
A study of leasing scheme and its perception for the diffusion of residential electricity storage system
Yosuke Soejima
Estimation of environmental and economic impacts induced by the promotion of accommodation sharing services based on input-output table
Benny Leono
Effects of ICT based urban mobility as a case of collaborative economy in Indonesia
Kazuhiko Matsumura
Current status of subsidized taxi operations by NPOs in Tokyo for the elderly and disabled mobility
Bachelor’s Thesis
Haruyoshi Nagafune
(A Study on Continuity of Utilizing a Closed School for Exchange from the Viewpoint of Travel Inflow)
Shintaro Kaiho
Impact of regional characteristics on the features of Ecotourism
Yushi Yamada
Relationship between the management efficiencies of local government’s Waterworks Bureaus and their international activities
Yuji Hirai
Factors influencing time series electricity Consumption trend at Tokyo-Tech campus
Karakama Ma.Sayori Defeo
Analyzing the ideal properties of data visualization in the world development report
Masataka Kashiwa
Comparison of transportation equipment companies in terms of environmental and Management efficiency
Bachelor’s Thesis
Shinnosuke Sawamura
開発途上国における廃棄物管理とその他の都市開発セクターの連関:ダッカ市(バ ングラデシュ)を事例として
(Analyzing linkages between solid waste management and other urban development sectors in developing countries: The case of Dhaka city,Bangladesh)
Kyosuke Tanaka
(Environmental strategies observed in enterprise cooperation in Japanese automotive industry)
PhD. Dissertation
Eiko Kojima
(Residents’ Satisfaction and Cooperation for Municipal Solid Waste Management:Life-Stage Segmentation Approach)
Hiroki Nakamura
Master’s Thesis
Tarinee Thongcharoen
The study of economic development effect on flood damage
Aldwin Urbina Uy
Citizen-centric Perspective on the Adoption of E-Government in the Philippines
Teppei Katatani
Financial analysis of residential energy storage systems with emphasis on electricity consumption patterns
Ryoya Suehara
An empirical analysis of disclosure patterns of environmental information by Japanese enterprise
Bachelor’s Thesis
Shintaro Oya
開発途上国における都市化が水道事業者のパフォーマンスに与える影響:フィリピ ンを事例として
(The impact of urbanization on water utilities performance in a
developing country : A case study of the Philippines)
Masaaki Ichimura
(Diffusion of electric vehicles and charging infrastructures : The current condition in Japan)
Junya Ishida
(The effect of non-policy factors on the diffusion of EV)
Byambatuya Dagva
Lifetime Cost Reduction Study of a Ground Source Heat Pump System in Mongolia
Sheau-Chyng Wong
Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Adoption and Diffusion of CASBEE in the Japanese Building Market
Gao Lu
DEA Evaluation of Agriculture and Industry Water Use Efficiencies in China
PhD. Dissertation
Toshihiro Mukai
William Hong
Sustainable development of renewable energy systems for rural electrification: Off-grid solar PV cases from the Philippines
Master’s Thesis
Nirmala Hailinawati
Study of private participation influence on the efficiency performance of municipal water supply management in Indonesia
Toshiya Morizumi
An Analysis on Consumers’ Preferences for the Residential Photovoltaic System Focused on Its Long-Term Operation
Junichirou Ishio
Economic Operation of Large-Scale Photovoltaic power Plants under Uncertainty
Bachelor’s Thesis
Ryoya Suehara
(A Pareto Frontier Analysis of Household Budget and Environment for Energy Saving Goods)
Master’s Thesis
Hongshan Zhao
The Situation of University Electricity Conservation through A focus on Respondents’ Consciousness and Action in Tokyo Tech
Kazutoshi Machida
Study on effective communications in capacity assessment of technical cooperation in environmental management sector
Akihisa Kuriyama
Consumers’ Incentives of Purchasing Wooden Houses – Focusing on Potential Demand for Domestic Wood Utilization
Bachelor’s Thesis
Gao Lu
(A study on the perceptions of drinking water quality and risk in Shenyang, China)
Keisuke Kusunoki
(A Study on Renewable Energy Funds Initiated by NPOs in Japan)
Teppei Katatani
(A Study on the operation and maintenance performance of wind power plants owned by sector in Japan)
Master’s Thesis
Yoshihiro Sato
Operation and Management of Wind Power Plants under risk of failure
Mingyua Zheng
Effects of Power Sector Reform in China -A case study of Liaoning province-
Bachelor’s Thesis
Toshiya Morizumi
(Analysis on the Current Situation for Hazardous Air Pollutions Monitoring by Local Governments in Japan)
Junichiro Ishio
(A Research about Influencing factors on the Introduction of Photovoltaic Power Systems and their Uncertainties)
Keiichi Kamiya
(A case study of PC power consumption for building.4, Ishikawadai Campus)
Master’s Thesis
Toshihiro Mukai
Assessment of the User’s Profitability and Perception of the Residential Photovoltaic systems under Failure Risk
Bachelor’s Thesis
Kazutoshi Machida
(Empirical Analysis on Capacity Assessment Framework for Environmental Management Sector in Developing Countries)
Guanyi Deng
(The priorities of environmental information properties from the view of users)
Keita Sasaki
(Actual Conditions for Operation of Continuous Atmospheric Observation System by Local Government)
Bachelor’s Thesis
Jiaxing Bian
Yoshihiro Sato
Akihisa Kuriyama
DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis)を用いた森林組合の経営効率性分析