SDGs Implementation in National Planning

Hello all!

On 6th of May 2017, I attended a public lecture in Takushoku University. The guest lecturer was Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, PhD, the current acting minister of National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) Indonesia. The topic of the public lecture was about SDGs Implementation in National Planning, focusing specifically on Indonesia’s case

Prof. Bambang opened the lecture by describing the general background of Indonesia followed by evaluations gained from MDGs implementation in Indonesia. Those evaluations are:

  • Limited Resources from the State –> more specifically limited budget
  • Non-existence of database/records regarding MDGs condition and progress
  • Solely a top-down approach from the central government regarding  MDGs implementation

From those evaluations, the central government of Indonesia devise several strategies for better implementation of SDGs:

  • Improving coordination with local governments

Improving coordination with local government is done so that local governments will be more involved in implementing SDGs as opposed to the top-down approach of MDGs implementation from the central government

  • Dividing 17 goals of SDGs into 4 pillars which are: Social, Economic, Environment, and Law-Governance.

Dividing the SDGs into four concentrated pillars is done for easier implementation of SDGs. With this, the actors involved in each goals could be defined more clearly and cooperation between each actors could also be done more easily. Most importantly, this will also help with the record of each SDGs progress.

However, one issue remain, which is limited resource/budget from the state. In order to tackle this issue, Prof Bambang emphasize the importance of mainstreaming SDGs to the national plan. The purpose of mainstreaming SDGs into national plan is to receive better budget allocation from the state. Up until now, this issue has been the main obstacle for SDGs implementation in Indonesia.

All in all, I gained a valuable knowledges from attending the public lecture, especially regarding SDGs implementation strategy in National Planning. One thing I would like to say is that SDGs implementation is not the duty of the government alone. Sustainable Development Goals is the duty for all of us as the member of this society.

Prof Bambang Permadi and moderator opening the session
Group Picture, can you find me? (picture source: Embassy of Indonesia, Tokyo)

-Yusuf, M2