Machida(Jan)-Climate Risk Index, Japan’s Well-being Index








◆Global Climate Risk Index 2010

ドイツの気候変動・開発NGO、Germanwatchは昨年12月のCOP15開催にあわせて、Global Climate Risk Index 2010を発表した。これは、気候変動による災害などに脆弱な国を「NatCatSERVICE database of Munich Re」のデータを使ってランキングにしたもの。


1. number of deaths (1/6)

2. number of deaths per 100 000 inhabitants (1/3)

3. sum of losses in US$ in purchasing power parity (PPP) (1/6)

4. losses per unit of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (1/3)















Only outline version is available in English



 個人的に、自民党政権下で暗黙的に、GDPが国家の「成長」の唯一の評価指標とされてきたのには長らく違和感をいだいていました。昨年、卒論テーマを決めようといろいろと調べるうちに、自治体レベルではエコロジカル・フットプリントの低減を政策目標の一つにするところも欧米にあるということや、フランスが主導している「Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress」(などGDPの代替指標を模索する動きは国際的な流れといえることが分かった。そんな中、民主党の誰が主導したか知らないけれども、『国民の幸福度』の指標開発という日本においては画期的な取り組みが始まることになったようだ。




Each Abe lab members started to post monthly news report relating to keywords set by their own according to each research interests.

My keyword for 2010 is set as below.

1.”~Index” “~ Ranking” related to environment and development isuuses

2.International Climate negotiations for COP16 (especially cooperation scheme between the developed and the developing countries such as CDM and adaptation fund)

This if my January post of monthly news report.

◆Global Climate Risk Index 2010

German Climate and development NGO, Germanwatch, published Global Climate Risk Index 2010 during the COP15.

This index represents which country is suffering the natural disaster caused by climate change, using the NatCatSERVICE database of Munich Re.

The composite index has four components below and in the parenthesis is the weightings.

1. number of deaths (1/6)

2. number of deaths per 100 000 inhabitants (1/3)

3. sum of losses in US$ in purchasing power parity (PPP) (1/6)

4. losses per unit of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (1/3)


【Personal Comments】

Until recently, the real consequences of climate change has yet to observed in the world . Being Hurricane Katrina the most symbolic natural event, however, the world is recognising more and more severe influences of climate change these days. This index reflects only direct casualties and damages from natural disaster (such as flood, cyclone and son on) and we have to take into consideration that there are indirect influences like droughts and food shortages and the number of people who suffers from climate change is even greater. But the index still cast important implications to policy-makers and global citizens about the real impact of climate change because this is the first of its kind.

◆Hatoyama announced development of Well-being indicators of Japanese citizens

Japanese government announced development of Well-being indicators of Japanese citizens

in “New Growth Strategy (Basic Policies) Toward a Radiant Japan” 30 December 2009.

Only outline version is available in English

【Personal Comments】

I has thought that economic growth(GDP), LDP’s implicit ultimate goal, was not appropriate for mesuring the progress of one nation (especially like Japan with declining population). As I looked for my research theme last year, I recognised it is global wind to seek alternative indicator of progress in governance such as use of ecological footprint in some city in UK and Canada and “Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress” (

initiative by Nicolas Sarkozy.

So that I really welcome the announcement but it can be expected easily that there is difficulty in defining what is the component of well-being of our nation by government initiative as it is quite subjective notion. The government may later start discussion holding a council that consists of scholars, civil society organisations and so forth. I think this trial has very important meaning for nurturing democracy in Japan since most people in Japan has let politicians to decide what is the Japan’s ultimate goals. Being interested in the research of composite indicator development, I’d like to follow the government’s effort.


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