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August 4th interim presentation for master students



Abstract Submission

Those students who will undergo the poster presentation on August 4th need to submit an abstract (in English, A4 size*1 page) by e-mail.

Deadline: July 29, 2014, PM 5:00 (Be punctual)

E-mail Address:Assoc. Prof. Takagi, takagi <at> ide.titech.ac.jp(replace <at> by @)

The file needs to be converted to a pdf file whose name should be as follows.

File name: Master_interim_Presentation No_Your name (family name followed by first name).pdf (ex. Master_interim_A-3_TokoTaro.pdf)

Email subject: Master_interim_Presentation No_Your name (family name followed by first name) (ex. Master_interim_A-3_TokoTaro)



– A4, one page, in English. The format is the same as the first page of “Extended abstract for master thesis” without “Short abstract, Japanese research title and Japanese name”. The content and sections of the abstract should be appropriately organized within one page.

Check an example of the abstract


Schedule on the date of presentation


Date and Time August 4, 2014, 9:30 – 11:45 (Each presenter needs to prepare the room and display the poster during the time between 9:00 and 9:30.)
Venue Ishikawadai 4th Building B02, 03, and 04/5 rooms
Preparation Prepare a poster with A0 size. Discussion will be made in English.
 Poster session 9:30 – 11:00: Each presenter has a total of 15 minutes (5 min: oral presentation, 5 min: questions from other students, 5 min: questions from faculty members)
– 11:15: Free discussion
brief ceremony to commemorate The Best Presentation Award


Group, Presentation Number, Presenters

See the pdf below:
