Archive for: June, 2014
Schedule and instructions for master candidates completing in September, 2014 (updated on Aug 7)
For IDE master’s program students who are going to graduate in September, 2014 This page summarizes the schedule and supplemental instructions for the IDE master program students while the general schedule and instructions set by Tokyo Tech are certainly valid. Thus please refer to “SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETING THE MASTER’S PROGRAM, THE GRADUATE SCHOOL […]
August 4th interim presentation for master students
Abstract Submission Those students who will undergo the poster presentation on August 4th need to submit an abstract (in English, A4 size*1 page) by e-mail. Deadline: July 29, 2014, PM 5:00 (Be punctual) E-mail Address:Assoc. Prof. Takagi, takagi <at> <at> by @) The file needs to be converted to […]
Call of applications for Assistant Professor position
The Department of International Development Engineering (IDE), Tokyo Institute of Technology invites applications for the post of Professor as the following procedure. Please check the file below for the details. AssistantProfessorECE-English