Archive for: January, 2015
Special Guest Lecture by Prof. Brian Woodall (Georgia Tech) on Jan. 14
There will be a special guest lecture by Prof. Brian Woodall from Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology. Please join us if you are intersted in energy policies, espcially of Japan, Korea, and China. Prof.BrianWoodall_lecture_jan14_2015_2 ************************ Lecture title: The Development of Japan’s Developmental State – Stages […]
IDE students contribute to the reconstruction of Kawamata-town, Fukushima
Several IDE students from Abe research and Hanaoka research groups have contributed to the reconstruction of Kawamata-townm Fukushima through a project named “Shamo-robocon”. Please read this page for the details, which is a part of Tokyo Tech main webpage.