Archive for: December, 2014
IDE Field Work / Internship Presentation, Feb 4, 2015
The Department of International Development Engineering will organize the presentation of student’s field work and internship activities as follows: Date: February 4 (Wednesday), 2015 13:20 – Room: B02-05, Ishikawadai-4 building Program :IDE_FieldWork_Internship_Feb2015 The candidates will be requested to deal with the following procedures: (1) Registration, (2) Prepare a Presentation File, (3) Make […]
Schedule and instructions for master candidates completing in March, 2015
For IDE master’s program students who will graduate in March, 2015 This page summarizes the schedule and supplemental instructions for the IDE master program students while the general schedule and instructions set by Tokyo Tech are certainly valid. Thus please refer to “SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETING THE MASTER’S PROGRAM, THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE […]
Final presentation of doctoral students completing in March, 2015
Date and Time: January 5 – 6, 2015 (Wednesday) Venue: Ishikawadai 4th Bldg B1 Room B02 – 5 January 5 Time Candidate Supervisor Title 10:30-12:30 Chawikan Santasnachok Hinode TBD 13:20-14:50 Eden G.Mariquit Hinode TBD 14:55-16:25 Samphors Touch Takemura/Thirapong Case studies on environmental evaluations of ground surface in paddy fields and deep subsurface […]
Schedule and instructions for doctoral students completing in March, 2015
For IDE doctoral program students who are going to gradaute in March, 2015, This page summarizes the schedule and supplemental instructions for the IDE doctoral program students while the general schedule and instructions set by Tokyo Tech are certainly valid. Thus please refer to “SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETING THE DOCTORAL […]