Presentation of fieldworks and internships by IDE students
Dear all IDE students,
IDE department will hold the presentation session on Oct 30, 2013, Wednesday. The event will start from 13:20 at B03/04/05 at I-4 buidling.
Please check the program here.
(Program (ver.2.2) is updated on Oct.24, Thursday)
Please note that if a title of a presentation is wirtten in English, the presentation will be conducted in English.
Let’s see what IDE students did in the last summer! There will be a party after the presentation session. So please join the event!
For those who will present on Oct.31,2013, you are required to submit the report of your fieldwork by Nov. 5, 2013 (Wed). Please submit the report at the door post of Room 107 (Abe lab student room.) General rules will apply for the format of the report. No restriction on the number of pages but the report should be concise enough and please try to include photos and figures/table to supplement the presentation. Please note that the report will become available for the public on IDE website later. In this regard, please do not put your student ID information on the report for security reasons.
(posted on Oct. 18, 2013, updated on Oct.22, 2013)