Prof. Michael Norton joined IDE
We welcomed Prof. Michael Norton to our department. Prof. Norton teaches environmental sustainability with emphasis on business sector responses. Norton-sensei also advises various matters on further internationalization of IDE and Tokyo Tech based on his enormous experience in Japan and UK.
Schedule and instructions for master candidates completing in September, 2014 (updated on Aug 7)
For IDE master’s program students who are going to graduate in September, 2014 This page summarizes the schedule and supplemental instructions for the IDE master program students while the general schedule and instructions set by Tokyo Tech are certainly valid. Thus please refer to “SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETING THE MASTER’S PROGRAM, THE GRADUATE SCHOOL […]
2nd interim presentation session for master candidates completing in September, 2014
Update: Feb.14, 2014: the rogram is uploaded. See the PDF file below (currently ver.3.) interim-mprog_feb17_2014 ************************************************** Date and Time: February 17 (Monday), 2014 , 14:00 – (preparation/installation of poster: 13:20 – 14:00) Venue: Room B04/095, Isikawadai #4 building Settings: Poster presentation in English Size of poster: A0 size (84.1 cm […]
The Department of International Development Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology invites applications for the post of Associate Professor
Department of International Development Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology invites applications for the post of Associate Professor as the following procedure. open_recruitment The application guideline is also available in Japanese via the link below. open_recruitment in Japanese
Presentation of fieldworks and internships by IDE students
Dear all IDE students, IDE department will hold the presentation session on Oct 30, 2013, Wednesday. The event will start from 13:20 at B03/04/05 at I-4 buidling. Please check the program here. fieldwk_internship_presentation_prog2.2_oct30_2013 (Program (ver.2.2) is updated on Oct.24, Thursday) Please note that if a title of a presentation is […]
IDE Graduation Ceremony on Sep. 25, starting from 15:30
IDE Graduation Ceremony Date: September 25 (Wednesday), 2013 Time: 15:30 to 17:00 Venue: B04/05, Ishikawadai-4 building Program: – Distribution of Diplomas – Congratulatory Address by Prof. Hinode, Chair of Undergraduate program – Congratulatory Address by Prof. Nakasaki, Chair of Graduate program – Valedictory Address (by Mr. Tomoaki Kato) […]
Schedule and instructions for master candidates completing in September, 2013
(Deadline of abstract submission is updated. June 11, 2013) For IDE master’s program students who are going to graduate in September, 2013, This page summarizes the schedule and supplemental instructions for the IDE master program students while the general schedule and instructions set by Tokyo Tech are certainly valid. Thus please refer […]
Interim presentation session for doctoral studnets
The interim presentation session will be held on Feb. 19, Tuesday, from 09:00 to 11:30 at Room B02/030/04 at Ishikawadai #4 building. For those IDE doctoral students who entered the program in April are required to present her/his research progress. Please see the program here.
Interim Presentation program for Doctoral students
Please see this page (in the Department Japanese website.)
Schedule and instructions for doctoral candidates completing in September, 2012
This page summarizes the schedule and supplemental instructions only valid for IDE doctoral students while the general schedule and instructions set by Tokyo Tech are certainly valid. Thus please refer to “SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETING THE DOCTORAL COURSE, THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING” set by the Tokyo Tech for […]