Interim presentation session for master candidates completing in September, 2013
(Update: instructions about abstract is added. Feb. 8, 2013)
Date and Time: February 18 (Monday), 2013 , 14:00 –
(preparation/installation of poster: 13:20 – 14:00)
Venue: Room B04/095, Isikawadai #4 building
Settings: Poster presentation in English
Size of poster: A0 size (84.1 cm width and 118.9 cm height)
Time allocation: 5 mins for presentation by a presenter, 5 mins for Q&A among presenters, and 5 mins Q&A between the presenters and faculty members.
Abstract: each presentor is requeted to prepare a single page (A4 size ) abstract about her/his presentation and send it to Asso.Prof. Naoya Abe by Feb 14 (thursday) via e-mail (nabe <at> . As for the fomrat of the abstract, please use the same format for the “extended abstract” of the thesis for the final presentation but you do not need to put “abstract” of the “extended abstract.” Please see this webpage.
Program :
Poster # | Student name | Adviser name | Research Title |
1 | John Auxillos | Profs. Shinobu Yamaguchi and Jun-ich Takada | The Case of the One Laptop Per Child Initiative in Mongolia: Multilevel Impact Study |
2 | Sunkyung Choi | Asso. Prof. Shinya Hanaoka | Quantifying benefits of regional airports in post-disaster |
3 | Byambatuya Dagva | Asso. Prof. Naoya Abe | Financial Feasbility Analysis of a Groud Heat Pump Project in Mongolia |
4 | Tomoaki Kato | Asso. Prof. Shinya Hanaoka | Measuring eco-efficiency of interregional freight transport in GMS |
5 | Yuki Takehisa | Asso. Prof. Shinya Hanaoka | Empirical research for vegetable loss reduction in food supply chain in Vietnam |
6 | Promchanok Techataveekijkul | Asso. Prof. Ryuichi Egashira | Pyrolysis if Palm Shell to Produce Bio-Oil |
7 | Sheau-Chyng Wong | Asso. Prof. Naoya Abe | Adoption and Diffusion of CASBEE in the Japanese Building Market from Stakeholders’ Perspectives |