Instructions and important dates for master students completing in March, 2017
This page summarizes the supplemental instructions and the important dates for the IDE master program students completing in March, 2017. The general instructions and the schedule set by Tokyo Tech are certainly valid. Thus please refer to “Graduate School Completion Schedule” together with “Forms for Graduate School Completion” set by the Tokyo Tech for the preparation of your thesis.
1. Registration of Research Title
Register at:
Deadline: 16:00, January 20 (Friday), 2017 (be punctual)
2. Submission of Thesis and Abstract
To: Academic Advisor
Deadline: 16:00, January 20 (Friday), 2017 (be punctual)
To: other Examiners
Deadline: 16:00, January 27 (Friday), 2017 (be punctual)
(1) For the other examiners, the thesis itself is only required to submit. The abstract can be omitted.
(2) Consult your supervisor about who will be your examiners.
(3) In case your examiner is not present in the room, you may leave your thesis in his/her mailbox with a memo indicating the date and time you posted.
3. Submission of Extended Abstract
Format etc.: Prepare in English. See “Preparation of Extended Abstract for Master Thesis” for further particulars.
Submit to:
File format: PDF (Do NOT submit doc or docx files)
File name: Studentnumber_LastName_Mar2017.pdf (e.g. 14M51234_Tokodai_Mar2017.pdf)
Deadline: 16:00, February 3 (Friday), 2017 (be punctual)
Note: If you want to replace the file with a new one, just upload the new file.
4. Final presentation
Date&Time: February 14 (Tuesday), 2017
Venue: Room B02–05, Ishikawadai Bldg.4
Language: Presentation – English; Discussion – English or Japanese
Time Limit: 20 minutes (14 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for Q&A, 1 minute for alternation and preparation)
PC: Bring your own or lab’s computer that has a VGA outlet. Check the compatibility with the projector in advance.
Presentation file: The presenters do NOT need to submit their presentation files in advance. Please bring the data with your computer.
1) 20 copies of your presentation slide should be prepared and distributed to the faculty members just prior to your presentation with the assistance of your laboratory members
2) The maximum number of the paper distributed should be limited within 2 in two-sided printing
3) A correspondence table of technical terms between English and Japanese should be appended in the last slide
5. Submission of Revised Extended Abstract
Prepare and submit the revised extended abstract, reflecting the discussions and comments during your presentation. Check typographical errors and omissions once more. This material is important because it is used for the decision about conferment of Academic Degree, and compiling them for publishing abstract book.
Note: The upload of your file is required even if no correction is made.
Submit to:
File format: PDF (Do NOT submit doc or docx files)
File name: R_Studentnumber_LastName_Mar2017.pdf (e.g. R_14M51234_Tokodai_Mar2017.pdf)
Deadline: 16:00, February 21 (Tuesday), 2017 (be punctual)
Note: If you want to replace the file with a new one, just upload the new file.