Interim poster presentation by master students (Aug. 2, 2016)
1. Registration of research title
Login to the “IDE local web” (accessible only in campus), go to the “Check and update individual data”, and then put your research title on the row of the “Title of thesis”.
Deadline: July 12, 2016, 4pm (be punctual)
2. Abstract submission
Write an abstract (in English, A4 size*1 page). Login to the “IDE local web”, go to the “Upload files”, and then upload the PDF file.
Deadline: July 26, 2016, 4pm (be punctual)
The file needs to be converted to a pdf file whose name should be as follows.
File name: studentnumber_lastname_interim2016.pdf (e.g. 15M123456_tokodai_interim2016.pdf)
Format of abstract
– A4, one page, in English. The format is the same as the first page of “Extended abstract for master thesis” without “Short abstract.” The content and sections of the abstract should be appropriately organized within one page. Name and title in Japanese are also not necessary.
3. Poster preparation
The presenters need to prepare a poster in the A0 size (portrait) in English and bring it on the date of the presentation.
4. Schedule on the date of presentation
Date and Time: Aug. 2, 2016
Venue: Ishikawadai Bldg.4, room B02-B05
(All presenters must come to the room at 9:30 to prepare the room and display the poster)
Poster session: Each presenter has a total of 15 minutes (5 min: oral presentation, 5 min: questions from other students, 5 min: questions from faculty members)
After individual presentations: Free discussion
The Best Presentation Award might go to you.