Call for Papers: 6th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2014)
Dear IDE graduate students,
We received the following accoucement about the coming workshop on O-okayama campus. Please check the annoucement if you are iteretsed in the event.
May 19, 2014
To: Students in the Graduate School of Engineering, AOTULE Exchange students and others Dean, Graduate School of Engineering
6th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2014) Call for Papers
1. Workshop Purpose
Graduate School of Engineering of Tokyo Tech will sponsor the 6th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2014), mainly for the graduate students within the School of Engineering in order to promote interactions across academic disciplines with overseas exchange students.
2. Workshop Outline
MISW 2014 will be held on August 7-8, for the engineering graduate students, Asia Oceania Top University League on Engineering (AOTULE), Summer Exchange Research Program (SERP) and TIER (CAMPUS ASIA, TiROP) exchange students to encourage innovation across disciplines via a research-based workshop and promote cross-cultural understanding.
Participants are expected to present their own research or a related topic in either oral or poster presentation format and attend all sessions at the workshop. To encourage high quality presentations, all presentations are evaluated and awards are given for the best oral/poster presentations. The best presentations from approximately
20 Tokyo Tech graduate students will be selected to attend the AOTULE Student Workshop, which will be held at The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia on Nov. 26-28, 2014, with a part of travel expenses paid for by the Graduate School of Engineering. Only graduate students, who attend MISW, are eligible to attend the AOTULE Workshop.
3. Workshop Discipline and Theme
Discipline : Engineering in general
Theme : Leading technology on sustainable development
4. Abstract Submission
Papers from all engineering fields focusing on advanced technology are welcome. Submit the Extended Abstract by e-mail; one page of A4 size, written in English, and PDF format. From the submitted abstracts, oral presentations and posters will be selected.
5. Venue
Ookayama Campus of Tokyo Tech
6. Applicaition Procedure
Please check the following website for details.
MISW Homepage: