Welcome to Yamashita Lab. in Deparetment of International Development Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
As for research in Yamashita Lab., please ‘Introduction’
- “Gaussian Mixture Bandpass Filter Design for Narrow Passband Width by Using a FIR Recursive Filter” (Free access)
- Jupyter note for GMBPF: GMBPF.ipynb
- Its computational complexity does not depend on its passband width.
- It is a recursive but FIR filter.
- Presentation file to explain of Yamashita Lab for bachelor students: yylabEJ2020v1Course
- Mex file for matlab to do smoothing with Gaussian function, smoothed differential with Gaussian function and Laplacian of Gaussian using sliding discrete Fourier transform.
- The source code which have achieved 99.7% with MNIST by using GPT and k-NN. (It include MNIST data.)