News and Events
Prof. Michael Norton joined IDE
We welcomed Prof. Michael Norton to our department. Prof. Norton teaches environmental sustainability with emphasis on business sector responses. Norton-sensei also advises various matters on further internationalization of IDE and Tokyo Tech based on his enormous experience in Japan and UK.
Nepal earthquake relief: fund-raising campaign by students
Tokyo Tech students are collecting contributions for Nepal earthquake relief. Let us raise funds for the people in Nepal together. The fund will be entrusted to The Japanese Red Cross Society. Date&Time: May 13, 2015, 12:15PM thru 2:30PM Venue: in front of the Main building in Ookayama campus, Tokyo Tech
Fund‐raising campaign for Nepal by Tokyo Tech students
Please see the details below. Date & Time: 2015/04/30, 12:30 to 13:20 Venue: W9 1st floor, HUB-International Communications Space
Prof. Kentaro Saito joined IDE
Dr. Kentaro Saito joined IDE department on Apr. 1 as Assistant Professor. Welcome to IDE, Saito-sensei!
Welcome party for the new IDE members, April 24 (Friday)
We will hold the welcome party by inviting the new students. Let’ join! Date and time: April 24 (Friday) 17:30-19:00 (reception will open at 17:00) Place: College Cafeteria #1 (生協第一食堂) Participants: Student and stuff of IDE About fee: Free (invited): 1st and 2nd year undergraduate, 1st year […]
IDE Graduation Ceremony, March.26, 2015
Date: 3月26日(水) March 26 (Thursday), 2015 Time: 16:00 – Venue: 石川台4号館 B04/05, Ishikawadai-4 building 学位記伝達式 / Ceremony for Distribution of Diplomas – 学位記授与 Distribution of Diplomas – 専攻長祝辞 Congratulatory Address by Prof. Kanda, Chair of Graduate program – 修了生答辞 Valedictory Address (by Mr. Katatani ) 壮行会 / Party – 学科長祝辞 Congratulatory Address by Prof. Takahashi, Chair of Undergraduate […]
Special Guest Lecture by Prof. Brian Woodall (Georgia Tech) on Jan. 14
There will be a special guest lecture by Prof. Brian Woodall from Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology. Please join us if you are intersted in energy policies, espcially of Japan, Korea, and China. Prof.BrianWoodall_lecture_jan14_2015_2 ************************ Lecture title: The Development of Japan’s Developmental State – Stages […]
IDE students contribute to the reconstruction of Kawamata-town, Fukushima
Several IDE students from Abe research and Hanaoka research groups have contributed to the reconstruction of Kawamata-townm Fukushima through a project named “Shamo-robocon”. Please read this page for the details, which is a part of Tokyo Tech main webpage.
Prof. Daisuke AKITA joined IDE
Dr. Daisuke AKITA joined IDE department on Sep.1 as Associate Professor. The fields of his research are Aerospace Systems and Aerodynamics. Welcome back, Akita-sensei!
Call of applications for Assistant Professor position
The Department of International Development Engineering (IDE), Tokyo Institute of Technology invites applications for the post of Professor as the following procedure. Please check the file below for the details. AssistantProfessorECE-English