Tokyo Institute of Technology, School of Environment and Society

Takagi Lab., Dep. of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering




Google Scholar


Coastal Disasters and Climate Change in Vietnam is the first book to focus specifically on natural hazards and climate change in Vietnam.

Handbook Coastal Disaster Mitigation

The Handbook of Coastal Disasters Mitigation presents a coherent overview of 10 years of coastal disaster risk management and engineering.



Tokyo Tech


Comments on nature-based solutions were featured in the Japan Times(Oct, 2024)

New paper on locally amplified tsunami due to 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake(June, 2024)

Call for papers: The 2024 Noto earthquake tsunami in Ocean Engineering(Mar, 2024)

Self-powered movable seawall technology featured on UNDRR PreventionWeb(Feb, 2024)

Microtidal energy generation by self-elevating seawall featured in Nikkei newspaper(Dec, 2023)

New paper on self-powered movable seawall using microtidal energy(Nov, 2023)

Our research on coastal flood and land subsidence in Jakarta was featured in Indonesian media(Oct, 2023)

Short letter on cumulative land subsidence in Asian coastal cities(Aug, 2023)

New paper on survival of young planted mangroves during a tropical cyclone(Aug, 2023)

CEJ SI on Coastal Disasters in Asia: Forecasting, Uncovering, Recovering, and Mitigation(Mar, 2023)

New paper on hazard map-based rebuilding process: learning from 2018 Sulawesi earthquake(Feb, 2023)

New paper on portable reefs to protect young mangroves(Jan, 2023)

Our typhoon research study was featured in the magazine Macau Business(Aug, 2022)


                                      Past news

Coastal Disaster Mitigation in Transdisciplinary Approach

Our research aims to develop novel disaster mitigation technologies, focusing on coastal disasters such as tsunamis, storm surges, and coastal erosion. Disaster prevention studies in the 20th century have been a straightforward discipline, purely oriented toward the goal of preventing disasters. However, as the mid-21st century approaches, we believe that the role of disaster research is to leverage the investment of disaster mitigation to create something new with socially and economically more benefit. For example, coastal vegetation such as mangroves can be actively utilized to improve natural environment, and it can enhance disaster prevention functions and even reduce maintenance of existing coastal infrastructure. Or, huge flood gates could be converted to generate tidal power to supply electricity to the local community. We are not bound by precedent, but fully utilize our experience and knowledge to achieve top-level novel research on the world stage.

Takagi Lab Tokyo Tech

Costal Disaster Research for Asian Countries

Coastal disasters such as tsunamis, storm surges, and high waves lead to considerable loss of human life and property. The vulnerability of coastal areas against natural disaster is expected to increase due to economic development and climate or environmental changes, especially for developing coasts such as found in many Asian countries, in which a large number of the population highly depends on low-lying vulnerable coastal areas. Our research team is pursuing to understand what are actually exacerbating the coastal disaster risks especially in developing countries by means of field surveys, numerical simulations, and physical experiments.

東京工業大学 高木泰士研究室(環境・社会理工学院 融合理工学系)
